Kamis, 15 November 2012

unconditional love

for some people, it's much easier to ngambek, then saying the truth that: you miss them.
for some people, it's much easier to make conclusion that they've changed, then saying the truth that: you scared of losing them.
and for some people, it's much easier to marah-marah, then saying honestly with a smile on your face that: "I love you, and I care about you."

it's weird. it's driving you crazy. trust me. unless you're willing to listen and find out the reason of every action that this person does, you will stuck with your assumption and there's noway to get out. 

but once you stop your defense against him, and willing to listen. just listen. you will realize that..... it's because you are the precious one for him. 

cara orang nunjukin kalo dia sayang itu kadang-kadang emang aneh. aaaaneeeeh banget. tapi coba diajak ngomong dulu, dari hati ke hati. bukan untuk nyari pembenaran atau untuk memaksakan sudut pandang ke kita ke dia, tapi untuk memahami apa sih yang sebenernya ingin disampaikan?

bukan, ini bukan tentang pacar atau gebetan atau temen cowok. ini tentang ayah saya yang akhir-akhir ini sedang......... sangat sangat sayang sama saya. 


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