Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012


As I grow up, and my ages are counting from day to day...

and I'm busy chasing the goals, the chances, and experiences.

I forgot that you, also grow up.... and grow old.

maafkan ya pa, anak gadis papa ini sering sekali bandel.

akhir-akhir ini sering sekali ada situasi dimana kita nggak sepaham.

oleh karena itu........ let me thank you for all these great moments, lessons and supports that you gave to me. you are... well, my inspiration, my best friend, my guard, my brother, my diary, my GPS, my UP movie, my speaker, my motivator, my chef, my photographer (with that funny pose), my tutor, my Pablo, my everything.

I'll bring back those part of me that you've missed since years ago.

and, dad. let me make this clear for you.

aku sayang sekali sama papa. saayaaaang banget :)

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